

/About Me

Before GA, I worked as a graphic designer and had a general interest towards computer related stuff. I previously learned programming through some online courses, but in order to enter this industry and make a solid contribution, I decided to commit to studying it full time. During the last three months, I have loved coding and building websites and developing the skills that comes with it. I especially enjoyed the process of doing every project, because no matter how frustrated and anxious I felt along the way, there was always a huge sense of fulfilment at the end. Now, I’m looking a for full-time position where I can utilise what I learned and also continue to learn. My goal is to make dynamic, user-friendly, functional yet visually pleasing websites.


Tic Tac Toe

This simple game is my first individual project. It's built with html, css and javascript/jQuery. It also comes with an unbeatable AI.


I made a fun and experimental online drawing app with 3 different brushes, it's also my first attempt with HTML5 Canvas.


My teammates and I built this app which allows users to take pictures from their webcams and then edit them before sharing.


In this group project, we created a websocket and p5.js powered chatrooms with creative audio and visual effects.

If you want to say hello, I'll be there!